Hey mom!
We make our lunch almost everyday but members have been GREAT about feeding us! We sent a sign up around yesterday for October and we have dinner every night but like 4 of them. Which is especially awesome considering we're in the YSA ward. I seriously love these people! They are great!!! We have a car since we cover the whole valley but if I get switched the odds are good I'll need to buy a bike cause they have very few cars in this mission. But for now, driving.
My companion from the MTC went home this week, she emailed me today and said she needed to talk to somebody who could kinda understand what she was going through. It broke my heart!!! I feel so bad for her but I'm glad she opened up to me and felt like she could. Those were some of the darkest days of my life for sure when my first call got cancelled but I'm proud of her for owning up to it!!! And I'm glad that as miserable and awful as that time was for me, I can help her with it a little bit now.
Tell Grandma I'm thinking about her and love her. That's too bad she's having such a rough year. Tell her to read D&C 123:7 . Remind her things could be worse haha ;)
I will read that Proverbs scripture tonight when I get home. Thank ya :) I'm proud of your new goal to talk to somebody every week!! Remember that the Lord constantly blesses us for whatever efforts we're willing to make. Speaking of you having 2 missionaries out, want to hear a cool thought? It was my devotional in the MTC but I keep forgetting to write home about it.
Read Jacob 5 again. All through out the chapter he says things like "the vineyard is not ready, we need more time" essentially. Until verse 61 and 62. Then He says "we're out of time! I need more servants." I still get chills reading that!!! The devotional speaker said "President Monson knows we're in the very last days. He knows we can't ask for more time, so he asked for more servants!" It's so cool to re-read it with that in mind. And we're teaching our ward now that THEY (like you) are a part of the more servants! It includes the members and not just the full time missionaries.
I teared up watching the choir sing. I seriously can not believe I have the opportunitiy to be out here! It's interesting how it's something I fought SO hard to avoid and to not to, to never fighting so hard FOR something in my life. I have felt the Lord with me 100% of the last month and know I couldn't do it without Him. Thanks for supporting me on this as you always have with everything else. It means more than you know. Until next week...love you!
Sister Olsen
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